Jan 17, 2018

Introduction to a Scatterbrain

Hello! I suck when it comes to talking about myself, so I am going to heavily rely on the prompt for inspiration. It is probably safe to say that this is going to be a typical, by-the-textbook introduction.

"A sorority-girl on a sorority retreat 
wearing a sorority t-shirt and 
making a sorority hand symbol" aka 
"She couldn't find a good non-selfie"

My name is Erica Cummings, I am 20 years old, and I am from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. I graduated from Carl Albert High School in 2015, so there's that. I like many different genres of music, so I won't even try to narrow down my favorites. I am in a sorority for women in technical majors called Alpha Sigma Kappa. We are on the Independent Greek Council, so you probably haven't heard of us (we are small compared to Panhellenic sororities). I don't play any instruments, so I guess that makes me a little boring, but I did competitively dance for 10 years from ages 3 to 13. I will go ahead and claim dance as the sport of my childhood, even if you don't want to call it a sport. When I stopped dancing, I abandoned athleticism. Sweating is gross! Who knew? Okay so maybe that isn't the full story, but still, sweating is gross.

More relevantly, my major is psychology. Initially, I was majoring in civil engineering, but I quickly found out that I hate physics (more like I was awful at it). Without physics, any structure I would engineer would be doomed to fail... so I changed to a less physics-oriented major. This decision was not only in my own best interest, but the best interest of the world at large.

The best thing about studying psychology is that you mostly just need to know things (is that weird to say?). There are few calculations to be made... absolutely no physics involved either. As long as I read and know the material, I am solid. With the knowledge I have obtained from the material, I can make better inferences about other people's state of being too. There is no formula for exploring the mind.

Studying psychology also allows me to practice my writing skills. There is quite a bit of writing in psychology, just like any other social science course. Because there is a research element to it, however, the most common writing style for psychology is APA style. Usually, this is a straight forward scientific paper with no room for fancy word or frills. Fortunately, with this major I have room to take classes like this one that allow me to spread my literary wings a bit.

Overall, the best class I have taken within my major studies has to be abnormal psychology, which I took last semester. This class was full of great information and really pertained to my career interests. I want to be a clinical psychologist, so it is important I am familiar with what could potentially go wrong with one's psyche. It took me deeper into areas of abnormal psychology with which I was already familiar and introduced me to some concepts with which I was totally unfamiliar. I also really enjoyed the professor who instructed the course. If you are a psychology major and need an upper-division credit, I would totally recommend taking abnormal psychology with Dr. Carol Terry!

On a more personal note, I guess I could talk about my likes and dislikes. To be quite frank, there are a lot of things I dislike. For example, I really dislike brussel sprouts. They are gross no matter how much salt and pepper or other seasonings you put on them. There is no hiding that awful bitter taste. On a more positive note, I love asparagus. I guess one could say that brussel sprouts and asparagus are two gross veggies on a double edged sword. Perhaps that is true. But I am here to advocate for the taste of asparagus once it is nicely grilled with lots of salt.

More seriously, I would label myself a "left-wing liberal" if we are going to talk politics. I would also say that I am an intersectional feminist. Probably the only close-minded thing about myself is that I do not have any tolerance for people who do not believe in equal rights for all (yes, I am including healthcare as a right). I do not have the time nor the patience to deal with those who will only argue in circles. I like a good healthy debate, don't get me wrong, but I won't participate in a screaming match. I'll save my voice for rallies, marches, and parades, thank you.

So there you have it! A fragmented introduction for a fragmented woman.


  1. I love hearing from people who are in waaaay different majors than me. I'm in computer engineering, and I totally sympathise with you about physics (even though I secretly think it's the tiniest bit cool sometimes). I've heard super cool things about abnormal psych; it's one of those classes that makes me want to change my major just to take (another is anatomy, because working with cadavers would be super cool). I look forward to reading your stories this semester!

    1. Hey, thanks for the comment! It really is interesting to get a peek into the life of someone else who is on such a different path than yourself. I also look forward to your stories!

  2. I'm with you on the Brussel sprouts and asparagus, Erica, and I am also very interested in psychology: clinical psychology would be such a fascinating career! There is a lot of back-and-forth between the literary world and psychology; have you taken any courses with Professor Barnes? I shared one of her videos (OU TED talk) in the class announcements this week: Imaginary Friends and Real-World Consequences ... she works on the psychology of fan fiction, and in a sense this class is kind of "mythological fan fiction." And of course one of the things that happens with fan fiction is the way the fans bring their own life philosophy to the stories... like bringing modern feminism into the world of the ancient stories. Feminist twists, gender flips, there is so much fabulous storytelling potential there, lurking in every story!

    1. I haven't had a class with her but I really want to! I am taking a Psychopathology in Fiction class this summer but it is with Dr. Terry in Scotland. I've got to look into her other classes.

  3. Nice to meet you Erica! It's a funny coincidence that I clicked on your introduction blog because I also grew up in OKC and was also involved in competitive dance as a child. Once I stopped dancing I became pretty inactive too lol. Also, I see you don’t like brussel sprouts, but have you tried balsamic glazed brussel sprouts? I did not enjoy eating brussel sprouts until I discovered them.

    1. Awesome! Weird question, but where did you dance at? I haven't tried balsamic glazed brussel sprouts, but I am too hesitant to even try! Brussel sprouts are made of nightmares.

  4. Hi Erica!
    It's so nice to meet you. I enjoyed reading the information you shared about yourself. That's so cool that you want to be a clinical psychologist! I've always enjoyed the few psychology courses I had to take in my major. I also agree with you in that brussel sprouts are disgusting, I dislike them as well. I look forward to potential reading other posts in this course and wish you the best of luck in your major!

  5. Hi Erica! I totally agree, there is no good way to make brussel sprouts. I'm convinced people who say they like them are just contrarian. My only experience with dance was a class when I was a little kid- and them my mom called the owners an idiot (she was. Who has kindergartners have a 12 recital practice?) and being asked not to return. And I totally agree with you- if it's not intersectional, it's not feminism!

  6. Hi Erica, it was great learning about you! I, too, am not good at math, science, and yes, physics. Which is why I chose a journalism major. You said it best, it's for the good of myself and the world at large. I think its great you are strong willed in your political believes. I do not consider myself a liberal, but I'm always open to the thoughts and ideas of others. I think people should be entitled to their believes, just remain civil and respectful toward other's. I also like asparagus... but I also like brussel sprouts. What can I say I'm not picky and I like to eat. I did try dance when I was very young, I wore a bumblebee outfit and got stage fright and that was the end. I hope you have a great semester, Erica!

  7. Hi Erica. I admire your courage to acknowledge when a major isn't right for you. I have some psychology major friends and they always seem to like their classes, so I hope you have fun too. I'm a little bit jealous that you've taken abnormal psychology. I've wanted to take it for a while, but can't seem to work it into my schedule. Good luck with your degree and I hope you have fun in this class!

  8. Hi, Erica!
    I completely related to your comments on writing within your major. While Communication certainly differs from Psychology, I am also used to writing only in APA style. However, I've enjoyed the creative writing required by Myth and Folklore thus far.

    My other online class this semester is Women Creating Social Change, and it's served as an awesome opportunity to learn more about contemporary feminism. It sounds like you would enjoy some of our class discussions! Were you able to attend the most recent Women's March? If so, I'd love to hear about your experience!

  9. I love that line about "saving your voice".... it is so important not to waste energy on unproductive and trivial conversations when there's a lot more that people interested in social justice need to be worried about. Making sure that every word is chosen carefully and spoken at the right time is far more important than saying more words or saying them louder.

  10. Hi Erica! I am a chemical engineering major and physics is an integral part of my major, but I do not really enjoy that much either. I took psychology classes in high school and one in college and really enjoyed them. I am sure your psychology classes are way tougher than the ones I took so I don’t know if I’d enjoy those haha. Anyways good luck with your studies.

  11. Hey Erica! I am also a psychology major so that's pretty cool! I took abnormal psychology with Dr. Terry last semester and I LOVED IT! I agree with you on the advantages of being a psych major, like it advances your literacy skills and such :) I think it's super interesting that you danced from 3-13!!! I love dancing, but I never performed in anything until my freshman year here! I wish I had started a long time ago and continued, but I love it regardless. I hope you have a great semester!

  12. Hey Erica! I'm with you on the Brussel sprouts and asparagus, Erica, and I am also very interested in psychology. I think its great you are strong willed in your political believes. I do not consider myself a liberal, but I'm always open to the thoughts and ideas of others. I wish you best of luck with this class, hop you have fun!

  13. Hey Erica!
    Your sorority sounds really great. Supporting women in tech majors is a great thing, and it's great to hear that there's a community of support there.
    I can definitely agree on the dislike of physics - I managed to get through it for my major, but it wasn't exactly fun. I hope that your future in psychology is both an enjoyable and successful one!

  14. Hi Erica!
    I'm a psychology minor, so I totally relate to your feelings toward psych. Most of the time, it's common sense! It's cool to watch regular interactions and be able to tie why people do what they do to their actions. I haven't taken abnormal psych, but I think that might be next on my list if I take an additional semester of psych. I agree with you on equality for all - "feminism" has a bad rep these days because people believe women want to be above men, but that's far from the truth! Good luck this semester!

  15. Howdy Erica! I have a psych minor, and I agree it's a very interesting field especially on the clinical side of things. I'll remember not to blame you the next time a bridge fails! I'm big on bitter foods, so maybe brussel sprouts are right up my alley. Thanks for the tip!

  16. Hi Erica,

    I thought your introduction was great! Trust me, I suck at talking about myself too. I never know what people want to know about me. But I like that you are majoring in Psychology. Honestly, if I had a redo with college, I would probably major in Psychology. I find it so interesting - I always have. Also, I love the fact that you are an advocate for equal rights. I am such a big advocate for equal rights too. I am currently in a social justice and social change class and I love it. Well good luck with the rest of your semester!

  17. Erica!
    Your introduction was so nice to read! I've also danced competitively my whole life, and I definitely agree that it is a sport. I think psychology is such an interesting subject! I am a science major, but I did take Introductino to Psychology and I found it very enjoyable. I also admire your political stance on advocating for equal rights and fighting for them in a civil manner. The world needs more people like you! Good luck with the rest of the semester!

  18. Hey Erica! I have been a dancer all my life and will definitely argue that it is a sport! The haters can hate but it is hard haha! You sound very passionate about psychology! That is a good thing and means you will be very successful! I wish you all the best and hope you have a great rest of the semester!

  19. Hi Erica! I'm glad you were able to find a major that you enjoyed here at OU! I've taken introductory psych as well as personality psych and thought that both were super interesting classes. I like that you say "there is no formula for exploring the mind". From my experience, that statement sums up the mindset of both psych classes I've taken.

  20. Hi Erica! I really like that you are taking this class! I think that your interest in sports and other things is super cool and unique. I am definitely excited to read some of your stories!

  21. Hey Erica C. !
    I really like the design and layout of your blog and I feel like incorporating personal photos into your introduction was a nice touch! Also, I think its so cool that you are majoring in psychology! All of the psychology classes that I have taken I really enjoyed. I hope you are having a great semester so far and I can’t wait to explore the rest of your blog!
