Feb 4, 2018

Giant Topic Research

This week I decided to further explore the option of a compilation of stories about Giants. I'll be honest, I am mostly doing this one because I already have a story picked out to put in the compilation (the one I love to keep mentioning about Finn McCool and Benandonner). Because I like that story so much, however, I want to continue learning about other giants. I browsed the list of giants on Wikipedia and chose a few stories from there.

Jack the Giant Killer | I chose this story because it is one I am already familiar with. It is an English fairy tale about a man who goes around killing giants. Who would have guessed based on the title? He initially tricks a giant into his death and starts the reap the rewards. Other giants come after him for revenge, but he kills them too. He gains cool things every time he kills a giant and ends up with a nice collection. He even works for King Arthur and ends up marry's a Duke's daughter. Life is good for this giant killer.

Jack and the Beanstalk from Wikimedia

Jack and the Beanstalk | It is merely coincidence that this next one also contains a person named Jack who happens to kill a giant. He steals from the giants after gaining entry to their fortress through a giant Beanstalk. He is poor, so he feels justified taking from them. He does it repeatedly until he is caught and a giant tries to chase him and kill him. Before the giant can take his life, however, he cuts the beanstalk, killing the giant. In my story of this, I want to make it so that there is more giant involvement in the story and that it is much harder for Jack to get away with it. He will still win though because I believe the poor should triumph over the rich.

Pangu | I want to include this story because it is unlike the others. This is the story about the creation of the world from the Chinese perspective. Pangu is a giant who was born from an egg. He does a lot of awesome things like creating the Earth and Yin/Yang. Over a long period of time, the earth gets larger and the sky grows taller. Eventually, Pangu dies and his remains turn into the many things we know of in our world today like the mountains and the trees. This story is different because it is a creation story and it is Chinese. My previous stories have been English or Irish.

I haven't finished my exploration of giant stories, but I like these three specifically. Of course, I can always not use one or two of them. I wish I could just write about every single giant story, but I don't have that kind of time.

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